How to create a custom field?

A custom field is a great way to tailor your Hsabati account to your specific needs. It allows you to add additional information that isn’t available by default, giving you more flexibility in managing your processes.

To create a custom field, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to settings: At the top right of your screen, click on the three dots to open the menu, then select Customize.
  2. Open the custom fields: In the window that opens, go to the Custom Fields tab.
  3. Add a new field: Click on the Add a Custom Field button to start.
  4. Name your custom field: Give a clear and specific name to your field. This name will help you easily identify the field among others.
  5. Associate the field with a module or function: In the Field linked to section, choose the module or feature you want to associate the custom field with (e.g., “Clients,” “Projects,” etc.).
  6. Choose the type of field: Select the type of field you want to create. For example:
    • Simple text field for a short text entry.
    • Advanced text field for longer text.
    • Single choice for a dropdown with one option.
    • Multiple choices for a list where multiple options can be selected.
    • Attach a file if you want to allow document or file uploads.
  7. Optional settings: Depending on your needs, you can check certain boxes:
    • Unique: If the field should only have one value for each item.
    • Disabled: To deactivate the field without deleting it.
    • Required: If the field must be filled out before submitting the entry.
  8. Show in tables: Check this option if you want the field to appear in the tables of the module it’s linked to. For example:
    • Let’s say you named your field “Test,” associated it with the “Clients” tab, and selected “Simple Text Field” as the type. After clicking Save and accessing the CRM, you’ll see the “Test” field in the tables.
  9. Hide certain elements in tables: If you want to hide certain elements in the tables (e.g., ICE, IF, or city in the Clients tab), click on Fields to Display and uncheck the elements you don’t want to show.
  10. Reorganize fields: You can also reorder the elements by holding one and dragging it in front or behind another.