Your complete guide to generating an admin API access token in Shopify

Creating an admin API access token in Shopify is a crucial step to allow Hsabati to communicate with your store. Follow these steps carefully to achieve this easily.

  1. Access Shopify Admin

Go to the Shopify admin page using this link:


  1. Enable Application Development Mode

At the top of the page, click on Develop Apps.

If you have never enabled app development, Shopify will ask you to confirm this activation.

Then, click on the Create an App button.

  1. Create Your App

A window will appear:

Enter the app’s name (in this case, Hsabati).

Select an app developer from the dropdown menu.

Click on Create App.

Once the app is created, it will appear under the App Development section.

  1. Configure API Permissions

Your app must have the necessary permissions to function correctly.

In the Configuration tab, click on Configure API Permissions and select the permissions you need from the following list:

  1. read_customers → Read customer information
  2. write_customers → Modify customer information
  3. read_products → Read product information
  4. write_products → Modify product information
  5. read_orders → Read orders
  6. write_orders → Modify orders
  7. read_draft_orders → Read draft orders
  8. write_draft_orders → Modify draft orders

Once the permissions are selected, click on Save.

  1. Install the App and Retrieve the API Token

Go to the API Credentials tab.

Click on Install App.

Once this step is complete, Shopify will generate your admin API access token.

Recommendation: Copy it immediately and store it in a secure location (e.g., in a password manager, an encrypted document, etc.).

Once these steps are followed, you can easily configure your app. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your account manager.