Hsabati – Tax and Import Tax Management Process
The tax and import tax management tools in Hsabati allow you to not only account for all your transactions with the General Tax Directorate and other establishments but also effectively manage tax obligations related to imports. This ensures that you are fully compliant with all your tax regulations while optimizing your cash flow.
Now, discover how to manage your taxes on your Hsabati account:
Hsabati – Tax Management Process
Step 1: Access the Finance module.
Step 2: Go to the Taxes section.
- Select the “Taxes” option from the menu.
Step 3: Click on “Add a Tax.”
Step 4: Enter the tax details.
- Choose the relevant entity (e.g., Tax Directorate).
- Specify the tax reference (e.g., tax-008).
- Choose the start date of the tax.
- Define the payment deadline for the tax.
- Select the tax currency.
- Provide the type of tax (e.g., corporate tax IS).
- Indicate the initial amount of the tax (e.g., 50,000 DH).
- Enter the tax rate (e.g., 50% of a total amount of 50,000 DH).
- Check the “Recoverable” box.
- Click on “Add.”
- Indicate an adjustment if necessary.
- Click the “Save” button to create your tax document. You will have a summary of your tax document.
- Click on the “Add a Payment” button. Then enter the amount to be paid and the payment date. After choosing your payment method (check, transfer, credit card, etc.), select the predefined information (Account, Bank Name, document number, due date, status). Then enter the reference. You can add a note if necessary.
- Click on “Save” to record your payment.
After this operation, the tax will be added to the “VAT” section and the payment month you previously selected. For example, if you selected June as the payment month for your tax, the amount will be visible in the “VAT Paid” column for that month.
Now, here’s how to manage your import taxes on your Hsabati account:
Step 1: Access the Finance module.
Step 2: Go to the Taxes section.
- Select the “Taxes” option from the menu.
Step 3: Click on “Add a Tax.”
Step 4: Enter the tax details.
- Choose the relevant entity (e.g., Customs and Indirect Taxes Administration – MEF).
- Specify the tax reference (e.g., tax-008).
- Choose the start date of the tax.
- Define the payment deadline for the tax.
- Select the tax currency.
- Provide the taxed product or tax form in the designation (e.g., taxed phone or customs receipt).
- Indicate the initial amount of the product.
- Enter the tax rate (e.g., 20% of a total amount of 7,000 DH).
- Click on “Add.”
After adding your first tax, you can add other taxes by following the same process.
- Add an adjustment if necessary.
- Click the “Save” button to create your tax document. You will have a summary of your tax document.
- Click the “Add a Payment” button. Then enter the amount to be paid and the payment date. After choosing your payment method (check, transfer, credit card, etc.), select the predefined information (Account, Bank Name, document number, due date, status). Then enter the reference. You can add a note if necessary.
- Click on “Save” to record your payment.
Step 5: Manage payments by check/awaiting effects.
- If the payment is made by check/effect and the status is pending:
- Go to the Supplier Due section.
- Click on the corresponding “document number.”
- Change the status from “pending” to “paid” or “unpaid” as applicable.
- Click on “Save.”
Then, you can go to the “Taxes” section to check if the payment has been recorded.
After these actions, the tax will be deducted from the cash flow according to the account chosen during payment.
Step 6: Add the created taxes/impacts to your import file.
- Go to the Purchase module.
- Click on “Import File.”
- Click on “New Import File.”
- Fill in all the fields in advance.
- Click on “Other Fees.”
- Add the taxes/impacts to your import file.
- Click on “Save.”